The Fundación Cepsa Chairs of Andalusia and the Canary Islands share objectives in Seville

    • The Engineering School of the University of Seville hosts the first Fundación Cepsa inter-chair meeting
    • The chair directors highlight the programs and awards for educational excellence and for research and innovation

The Engineering School of the University of Seville (US) hosted the first Fundación Cepsa inter-chair meeting, held to pool objectives, present the different initiatives being carried out in the universities and strengthen the collaboration between them.

This meeting was attended by the directors of the Fundación Cepsa Chairs of the University of Seville, Benito Navarrete; the University of Cádiz (UCA), Francisco Trujillo; the University of Huelva (UHU), Inés Garballo; and the University of La Laguna (ULL) in the Canary Islands, Leopoldo Acosta. Also present from Fundación Cepsa were the heads of the Foundation and Corporate Relations in Andalusia and the Canary Islands, as well as the coordinator of the Company's Research Center.

The directors of the Chairs presented and reviewed their main programs with a view to sharing experiences, drawing conclusions and finding ways of working together more closely in order to strengthen their actions. Programs to optimize the academic level of students and PhD candidates, as well as research and innovation projects such as the UCA Chair Awards and the UHU 10C Alumni Awards, pioneers in Spain, were given great attention by the directors of the Chairs. They also highlighted other initiatives, such as the establishment of an industrial doctorate at the University of Huelva and the signing of two industrial thesis agreements between UCA and the Gibraltar-San Roque Refinery with potential practical applications.

Another of the initiatives most highly regarded by those attending was the launch of a program, by the University of Seville, for lecturers to spend time in the industrial centers of Palos and San Roque. They will perform their research in the Seville capital, but will be able to use these stays to share knowledge with Cepsa's professionals and see how their work is carried out on the ground.

The Fundación Cepsa Chair of UCA also highlighted the Intensification in Refining course, which is delivered entirely at the Gibraltar-San Roque Refinery, and the launch of the Training Paths program, through which all the activities already being carried out together with Cepsa will be implemented in university training in a planned manner. Meanwhile, the University of Seville stated that it is working to start up an oil prospecting course.

The Cepsa Chairs in Andalusia and the Canary Islands
Cepsa continues to work alongside academia. The Fundación Cepsa-managed chairs at the universities of Huelva, Seville, Cádiz and Tenerife are growing thanks to the contributions and dedication of professionals from all these organizations to improve training, innovation and research.

The Cepsa Chairs in Andalusia and the Canary Islands have allowed thousands of students to gain first-hand experience of the world of work, while bringing university lecturers closer to the reality of the nation's industry. Exchanges between technicians and lecturers have allowed them to hone their skills and apply their newly gained expertise in their daily work. For all these reasons, today Cepsa is a great ally of the universities.

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University Inter-Chairs meeting Seville

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