Fundación Cepsa presents the 2022 Social Value Awards to six entities in the region

    • Apropadis, Victoria Kent, Fegadi, Amigos por una Sonrisa, AFA Tarifa and Fundación Díaz de Bustamante y Vélez are recognized in this ceremony
    • Javier Rodríguez Ros, deputy councilor for the regional government of Andalusia in Campo de Gibraltar, attended the event
Fundación Cepsa has delivered the Social Value Awards today in a ceremony attended by the deputy councilor for the regional government of Andalusia in Campo de Gibraltar and chairman of the jury, Javier Rodriguez Ros; the mayors of La Linea, Juan Franco; Los Barrios, Miguel Alconchel; and Tarifa, Francisco Ruiz; and councilors of AASS, La Linea, Los Barrios, Tarifa and Algeciras: Zuleica Molina, Sara Lobato, Francisco Javier Terán and Paula Conesa, respectively. Moreover, the councilor of Health from San Roque, Juan Serván.

Estrella Blanco, head of Fundación Cepsa, thanked the 36 entities from Campo de Gibraltar that submitted a project for the 2022 edition of the Social Value Awards for their work and solidarity. The event was attended by representatives of the winning groups and the rest of the region's association movement. During their speech, the winners of the Social Value Awards explained their projects, which they will undertake throughout 2023, and expressed their gratitude to Fundación Cepsa.

The 2022 edition has awarded the winners with €65,000, valuing especially projects related to the ecological transition and circular economy. The Social Value Awards recognize social projects that seek to improve the quality of life of a broad spectrum of social groups: socially vulnerable individuals, the unemployed, the sick, people with physical or mental disabilities, ethnic minorities, children, teenagers and young adults, the elderly and victims of gender violence, among others.

Winning projects

The Federación Gaditana de Personas con Discapacidad Física u Orgánica - Fegadi (Federation of People with Physical or Organic Disabilities from Cadiz) has been awarded for its project for sustainable and inclusive spaces, which consists of the development of workshops on Circular Economy and the implementation of accessible and inclusive Ecological Gardens, in which people with disabilities, with reduced mobility and in a situation of dependence can participate. It is expected to benefit a hundred people. In this line of projects related to the ecological transition, the Asociación Amigos por una Sonrisa (Friends for a Smile Association) will organize a soccer tournament with children suffering from cancer and a tree planting, with around 120 direct beneficiaries.

The Apropadis 2.0 Fisioterapia Sostenible (Apropadis 2.0 Sustainable Physical Therapy) project has also been awarded in this edition, an initiative that combines health and recycling and is expected to benefit about twenty users. The Asociación de Familiares de Alzheimer AFA Tarifa (Alzheimer Family Association AFA Tarifa) has also been distinguished in this awards ceremony for a psycho-stimulation workshop that includes the care of the natural environment and recycling, in which about 15 people will be able to participate.

Finally, we must add the Asociación de Mujeres Progresistas Victoria Kent (Victoria Kent Association of Progressive Women) and the Ramón Díaz de Bustamante y Vélez Foundation, which won the favor of the jury of the Social Value Awards for their social initiatives. The former will start up a mental health program aimed at teenagers and young adults, which will serve 30 users, while the Ramón Díaz de Bustamente Foundation will refurbish and equip the occupational therapy workshops, which serve 62 people.
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