The foundation has given special recognition to projects that contribute to the ecological transition
- In this edition, the entity distributed nearly 500,000 euros among the awarded social initiatives
- Social associations from the Canary Islands, Madrid, Huelva, Campo de Gibraltar, Portugal, Colombia, and Brazil were invited to participate in these awards
- Since its first call, the Social Value Awards have allocated nearly 4 million euros to promote 424 social projects
Fundación Cepsa presented its Social Value Awards today, an annual prize promoting a wide range of social initiatives that champion the inclusion and welfare of underprivileged individuals or groups. For this call, the entity has decided to expand the focus of action to sustainable initiatives that contribute to the ecological transition, assessing, among other aspects, the promotion of renewable energies, energy efficiency, low-emission mobility, protection of biodiversity, and environmental awareness.
In this 17th edition, Fundación Cepsa has increased the endowment for each winning project from €12,000 to €15,000, reaching €500,000 in the overall amount of the call; aimed at promoting social projects in the Canary Islands, Madrid, Huelva, Campo de Gibraltar, Portugal, Colombia and Brazil, places where Cepsa has significant activity and where it has established close ties and relationships with the community. The different juries, made up of experts in the social field in each area or country in which these awards are held, have recognized 39 solidarity initiatives that will benefit more than 17,500 people.
This morning the presentation of these awards to the entities from Madrid took place in a ceremony held at the Cepsa Tower, which was attended by the Minister of Family, Youth and Social Policy of the Community of Madrid, Concepción Dancausa, who congratulated all the winners in this edition "for your dedication and commitment to helping vulnerable people at a time when this support is more necessary than ever," stressing that initiatives such as these Social Value Awards "remind us of what can be achieved if everyone–administrations, companies, associations, and entities–work together in the fight against social exclusion."
Meanwhile, Cristina Ortiz, director of Fundación Cepsa, thanked all the participating entities for their work, highlighting the relevance of their role in today's society: "The ecological transition has set a new course in society. All agents that are part of it are involved, and the work of companies and third sector entities that work for and with society is essential in turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities, which will enable the transition to be fair and inclusive for all. That's why, in this edition of the Social Value Awards, we wanted to positively value those initiatives that promote the ecological transition and sustainability among the most vulnerable groups."
Since the first time it was held, in 2005, close to 4 million euros have been distributed to help implement 424 projects. The Social Value Awards are the cornerstone of the foundation and promote solidarity values among Cepsa professionals, who support the initiatives presented each year. In the 2021 edition, 365 projects were presented, endorsed by the company's solidarity sponsors.
Annual balance sheet
In 2021, Fundación Cepsa allocated nearly 2.7 million euros to promote 158 initiatives, framed within its three strategic lines of action: social support, science and education, and the environment. In this way, thanks to the collaboration of 167 Third Sector entities, Fundación Cepsa has managed to improve the quality of life of more than 465,000 people.
To this end, the commitment of Cepsa's professionals has been fundamental, as donors in different actions promoted by the foundation throughout the year, and as volunteers in the initiatives promoted by the Voluntas corporate volunteer program. In 2021, close to 300 Cepsa volunteers participated in some of the initiatives promoted through this corporate volunteering program.
Winners of the 17th edition of the Social Value Awards
- Antares Association
- Asociación para la Integración e Igualdad de personas con diversidad funcional (Association for the Integration and Equality of People with Functional Diversity – ASPIMIP)
- Fundación Juan XXIII Roncalli
- Fundación Aprocor
- Asociación Puente de Esperanza Madrid (Hope Bridge Association Madrid)
- Asociación Karibu, Friends of the People of Africa
- International Hope Line Association (ASITES)
- Asociación para la Integración Laboral de la Mujer (Association for the Integration of Women in the Workplace – CAMINAR)
- Asociación Onubense de Jugadores de Azar en Rehabilitación (Association of Rehabilitated Gamblers of Huelva – AONUJER)
- Crecer con futuro (Growing with a Future)
- Fundación Europea Cooperación Norte-Sur (European Foundation for North-South Cooperation – FECONS)
- Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (Spanish Cancer Association) - Huelva Provincial Committee
- Asociación Vida Adulta de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual (Adult Life Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities – AVADI)
- Regional Coordinating Agency for Options in the Fight Against Drug Dependencies
- Despierta Coordinating Agency
- Asociación para la Promoción y Participación de Personas con Discapacidad (Association for the Promotion and Participation of People with Disability – Apropadis 2.0)
- Asociación de Enfermos y Familiares de Parkinson Santa Adela (Santa Adela Association for Parkinson's Disease Patients and Family Members)
- Asociación de Espina Bífida e Hidrocefalia del Campo de Gibraltar (Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Campo de Gibraltar)
- Spanish Red Cross
- Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR Canarias)
- Federación Salud Mental Canarias (Canary Islands Mental Health Federation)
- Asociación de Reinserción Social de Menores (Anchieta Association for the Social Integration of Young People – ARSM Anchieta)
- Asociación Asistencial NAHIA (NAHIA Assistance Association)
- Asociación de Hemofilia en la Provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Hemophilia Association of the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife – AHETE)
- Asociación de Cuidadora/es, Familiares y Amigo/as de Personas con Dependencia, Alzheimer y otras Demencias (Association of Caregivers, Relatives and Friends of Dependent Persons and Individuals with Alzheimer's and other Types of Dementia – ACUFADE)
- Fundación Sanar Niños con cáncer (Cure Children with Cancer Foundation)
- Corporación para el Desarrollo participativo y sostenible de los pequeños productores rurales (Corporation for the Participative and Sustainable Development of Small Rural Producers)
- Fundación A-kasa (A-kasa Foundation)
- Fundación Biblioseo (Biblioseo Foundation)
- Fundación Global Humanitaria (Global Humanitarian Foundation – FGH Colombia)
- Associação de Desportos de Aventura, Juventude e Ambiente (AZIMUTE)
- Associação Florestal de Portugal (FORESTIS)
- Associação VilacomVida
- Associação Neurodesenvolvimento e Inclusão Cadin
- Acção e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global (AIDGLOBAL)
- Aldeias Infantis SOS Brasil
- Grupo de Apoio à Criança com Câncer - Bahia (GACC-BA)
- Junior Achievement Bahia
- World Vision